About “Handle Classes”

All classes used in p_ptb are so-called “handle classes”. What does this mean?

When you create an object of a handle class and assign it to a variable like this:

my_object = MyHandleClass();

What gets stored in the variable my_object is not the object itself but a “handle” to it. A “handle” is just an address within the computer’s memory. So the variable my_object stores where the object is. It does not store the object itself!

What are the implications of this? Let’s create a simple handle class and put it in the package +handle_class_example:

classdef MyHandleClass < handle

So, we have a simple class with only one property.

Let’s create a second class but without the handle:

classdef MyNormalClass

The only difference between the two is that MyHandleClass inherits from handle while MyNormalClass does not.

If you run this, the output will be as you would expect:

>> %% get a normal class
normal_class1 = handle_class_example.MyNormalClass();
normal_class1.number = 1;

%% copy it by assignment
copy_of_normal_class1 = normal_class1;
copy_of_normal_class1.number = 100;

%% see what it is both classes

normal_class1 =

  MyNormalClass with properties:

    number: 1.0000e+000

copy_of_normal_class1 =

  MyNormalClass with properties:

    number: 100.0000e+000

If we do the same thing again, but this time use the MyHandleClass, this happens:

>> %% get a handle class
handle_class1 = handle_class_example.MyHandleClass();
handle_class1.number = 1;

%% copy it by assignment
copy_of_handle_class1 = handle_class1;
copy_of_handle_class1.number = 100;

%% see what it is both classes

handle_class1 =

  MyHandleClass with properties:

    number: 100.0000e+000

copy_of_handle_class1 =

  MyHandleClass with properties:

    number: 100.0000e+000

So, whats different here? By assigning a new value to the copy of the object, we also changed what we get when we refer to the original one. This is, as I wrote above, because handle_class1 does not store the object itself but only its handle, i.e. its address in memory. copy_of_handle_class1 = handle_class1; assigns the address of the object handle_class1 is pointing at to the variable copy_of_handle_class1. As it is the address that is exchanged, both variables point at the same object!!

So, how can you do a real copy of a handle class? First, you need to modify the class a little bit:

classdef MyHandleClass < handle & matlab.mixin.Copyable

And now you can do this:

>> %% get a handle class
handle_class1 = handle_class_example.MyHandleClass();
handle_class1.number = 1;

%% copy it by copy
copy_of_handle_class1 = copy(handle_class1);
copy_of_handle_class1.number = 100;

%% see what it is both classes

handle_class1 =

  MyHandleClass with properties:

    number: 1.0000e+000

copy_of_handle_class1 =

  MyHandleClass with properties:

    number: 100.0000e+000

So, the bottom line is: Always use the copy function when you want to really copy a handle class!

ALL classes of o_ptb are handle classes. ALL classes can be copied