Showing Movies

A movie is basically a set of images that need to be displayed at very specific and regular intervals. In o_ptb, a movie is nothing else than a +o_ptb.stimuli.visual stimulus with some extra convenient methods.


If you want to display a silent movie simply as a distraction to the participants (i.e., in a passive listening task), it is much easier to just play the movie with VLC or any other movie player while the auditory part of the experiment is running.


o_ptb only supports playing the video part of the movies. You cannot use the audio streams at the moment.

Loading the movie

In order to prepare the movie, instantiate an object of +o_ptb.+stimuli.+visual.Movie, providing the filename of the movie:

my_movie = o_ptb.stimuli.visual.Movie('movie.avi');

Displaying the movie

We can now start the movie internally:


Now the movie is ready to be displayed. We now need to these three things in a loop:

  1. Request a new frame of the movie and check whether one is available.

  2. If it is available, use ptb.draw to draw in on the screen.

  3. Flip at the correct time.

The first task is achieved by the method +o_ptb.+stimuli.+visual.Movie.fetch_frame(). If another frame of the movie is available, it loads it and returns true. If no more frames are available, it returns false. This means, we can use it in a neat while loop.

The second task is achieved by just calling ptb.draw on the Movie object we created.

The third task is achieved by calling ptb.flip using the time provided by +o_ptb.+stimuli.+visual.Movie.next_flip_time.

In your code, it is going to look like this:

while my_movie.fetch_frame()

end %while

If you want to know more

If you want to know more and/or do more advanced things with movies, please refer to the respective section of the reference.

Keep in mind, that a Movie inherits from both +o_ptb.+stimuli.+visual.TextureBase and +o_ptb.+stimuli.+visual.Base. So you can move it, scale it, add a gaussian blur and so on and so forth….